Monday, November 16, 2009


Congratulations to Justin, Betty, and Ellen on completing the Classroom Learning 2.0 course!

If you've been sidetracked from the project or feel that you don't have time to work on it, don't worry. Some "Things" take longer than others. Maybe you could try to do one "Thing" this week instead of two. There is no real deadline on completing the course, but you should try to spend a little time in it each week. Keep up the good work, and check out other people's blogs for inspiration!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Too Many Accounts?

Google Reader hs been a great tool to help me keep up with each of your Blogs. My plan was to stay a few "Things" ahead of the group so I could anticipate any questions or problems that might arise. However, some of you are WAY ahead, and your posts are proving to be quite useful to those of us who are a few Things behind. A common complaint seems to be with the number of usernames and passwords that must be created to complete this course. As suggested by Jackie with the California School Library Association, it's a good idea to write them all down in a handy-dandy notebook. (Like Blues Clues for you parents with small children!) And remember: we are just trying Things; we don't have to integrate all of them into the curriculum!